There is no such thing as absolute good or absolute evil. The two coexist. There is both light and darkness in all of us. The only exceptions (if you are religious) are God/Jesus and Satan. Everyone else is woven together with both good and bad. That's what makes us human.
Someone is always eager to remind us of the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. cheated on his wife, as if this cancels out the theory that he was a great man. Adultery obviously counteracts every positive thing he did. He can't be both a hero and a sinner.
There's always someone who points out that many of our former presidents had slaves, so they must have all been bad men. Their contributions to the most prosperous nation in the world are all irrelevant, because of a single (but huge) character flaw.
We see a picture of Hitler with a little girl on his lap and cringe. How could Hitler have a gentle moment?
We always want to see things in black and white; right and wrong; good and bad. The truth is, it's never that simple. Even the saints do bad things and think bad thoughts every now and then. Even the monsters can be pleasant and caring at times. That's humanity. It's just the way we are. Our blood is as pure as it is poisonous. The best and worst of us all meet somewhere.