Sunday, November 29, 2015

Disagree =/= Disrespect

As the world, and America in particular, diversifies by the second, it becomes more and more likely that we will cross paths with people who have opinions, customs, behaviors, and belief systems which we disagree with. With well over 7 billion humans and only one Earth, it's bound to happen. There is a certain beauty to coexisting with people who have conflicting or even contrasting ideals. It shows that humanity has a certain capacity for understanding and tolerance. However, unfortunately, a wave (or perhaps just an unveiling) of bigotry and xenophobia has shown people in the world, and Americans in particular, forgetting the principles of acceptance and tolerance. Instead of appreciating all of the differences that make mankind significant, understanding is abandoned in a pointless but frantic effort to defend and spread one's own ideals. Although this is often beneficial in terms of assimilation or cultural exchange, today more than ever this defense and projection of beliefs is done in way that is disrespectful, or in a manner that makes it apparent that these beliefs were bred in either hate or fear.

It is natural, and admiral even, to want to defend your own ideals. It is naive, and foolish even,  to expect others not to defend their own just as passionately. These conversations are valuable in the way that they allow us to articulate our beliefs and share ideas. Sometimes, we are even able to share our perspective in a way which causes one to change their mind. However, often this does not happen, and at a certain point we must agree to disagree. When this happens we sometimes leave the conversation with discomfort, denial, disbelief, or even disgust.  But what's important is that we never leave them with disrespectful comments or behaviors.

The truth is, you're not going to get through to everyone. It's impossible, and that's okay. But no one is any better or worse than you are for having a differing opinion. We must be careful to watch our words and mannerisms in an effort to not condemn or judge anyone for simply thinking differently than we do. What's important is that we do not hold anyone else to our own standards; that we understand that no one is obligated to abide by our own moral code.

And so instead of throwing around insults or labels or slurs or offense when we come across those who live differently than we do, we should begin to embrace differences. There is always something to be learned in these conversations, either about the other side or about ourselves. At the end of the day--or conversation, rather--it is important that we appreciate the social, socioeconomic, religious, political, cultural, etc. variety that composes humanity.

I am definitely guilty of disrespecting people who disagreed with something I was passionate about or believed deeply. It is an automatic, defensive mechanism that I have had to unlearn and constantly keep in check. I still have a lot of work to do, and I encourage all others to work as well. No one is ever obligated to agree, and no one is ever entitled to disrespect.

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