Saturday, December 6, 2014

On White Privilege

White privilege is extremely hard to explain to white people. I try, but I am rarely ever successful. Having institutionalized privilege usually means that you hardly even notice said privilege. I know there are some people who are completely confused by and annoyed with the idea of white privilege. And that's totally understandable. Every single human being struggles, and it can't feel good to hear someone tell you about how easy you've got it when you're struggling.

And I do acknowledge that white people struggle. I'm not at all suggesting that their lives are perfect or doubting the severity of their issues. I know that white people struggle just as people of color struggle. The idea of white privilege is not suggesting that white people live life free of adversity or unfairness. White privilege simply points out the fact that there are certain troubles that white people will probably never wrestle with because of their skin color.

A white person gets a good job, or into a good school, and no one will confuse their hard work as Affirmative Action.

A white boy in a hoodie running is seen as trying to get out of the rain, while a black boy in a hoodie is seen as suspicious.

A group of white friends can usually walk down the street without people locking their car doors or nervously looking away.

A white person will never be told to "get over" 9/11, Pearl Harbor, or the Holocaust like black people are told to get over slavery.

A white mother never has to have a conversation with her son at age 10 about how he should behave around older white men and communicate with police.

A white person is labeled as "quirky and eccentric" for doing the same things that get black people labeled as "ghetto".

A white person can almost know for certain that if they are pulled over or followed around a store for no reason, it is not because of their race but because of the mistake/boredom/etc. of the officer.

A white person may never wonder too hard about their culture(s) because white history is taught in schools and published in books. (All of the text books I've read have plenty much skimmed over black people. Of course slavery and civil rights are mentioned, but their is hardly any cultural information included. (African American studies is usually an elective, if even an offered course.))

A white person is much more capable of learning about their ancestry, where the files and records of an African American's family lineage rarely goes back past Antebellum, as slave records were not kept or maintained very often. wouldn't do much for me.

A white person can see people meeting European beauty standards on television and in the media regularly, where I always search for the people of color in a cast or in a magazine.

A white person never has to see their peers in blackface or hear them say "nigga/nigger", and be told to "calm down" or "take a joke".

A white person never gets surprised looks when they prove to be articulate or intelligent.

A white person never has to hear, "Wait, your dad still lives with you?".

A white person never has to sit through a lecture on Martin Luther King or Barack Obama and have the entire class stare at them.

A white person is never assumed to be violent a terrorist (even though some of the most violent crimes in history have been committed by white people *sips tea*).

I could go on and on and on.

I am not asking for or expecting an apology from white people. They shouldn't have to apologize for the privileges history and society has granted them. I don't think they should feel bad for these privileges. I don't think they should feel guilty for taking advantage of them. I don't think they should feel ashamed for the actions of other white people in the past and in the present - they have nothing to do with those people. All I would like is for them to acknowledge their privilege. And to take advantage of any opportunities they have to make a difference.

I may be writing about race relations/racism for a while, as it is one of the most influential aspects of society, and due to all of the race-related stories in the news.

R.I.P. Eric Garner. R.I.P. Tamir Rice. R.I.P. Michael Brown. R.I.P. John Crawford. R.I.P. Trayvon Martin. R.I.P. Oscar Grant. R.I.P. ...

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